Equipped or Not

 Equipped or Not

On this day, March 18, 2020, the government has asked its 300 million citizens to observe stringent measures in order to abate the spread of the Corona Covid-19 virus.  Older people who are particularly susceptible should isolate themselves.  Everyone else should practice social distancing and stay away from groups of people.  Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water.  In a very short period of time, our government officials have instructed us as to how to take care of ourselves.  If we cooperate, we may ‘flatten the curve’ of the virus.  In other words, reduce the number of cases.  If we choose to revolt and live normally, we may contribute to spreading the virus, which produces minor illness in most people but possibly death in the elderly.

Good instructions.  Clear and unbiased.  No one is exempt and the consequences are dire if ignored.  With the onset of this virus, restaurants, businesses, gyms and churches are closed.  Therefore, I have to feed myself, work from home, run outside and do push ups.  But what about church?  Am I equipped to do church on my own?  Has my pastor instructed me as well as the government on how to take care of myself spiritually?  Daily the president and other officials are appearing on the screen giving us more instructions as to how we are to behave.  We watch and listen and then we act.  These measures are not to be things that other people do, but they are what I am to do.  

Am I as clear about how I am to live out my faith as I am to avoid getting sick?  In the Old Testament book of Joshua, the people are about to enter the promise land.  Moses has died but he has commissioned Joshua to lead the people.  The Israelites have confidence but it’s a bit odd.  They said, “Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so will we obey you.  Only may the Lord your God be with you, as he was with Moses.”  Did you get that?  “the Lord YOUR God”.  The people had faith in Moses and Joshua who in turn had faith in God.  Biblical faith doesn’t work this way.  One pastor said, ‘God doesn’t have any grandchildren’.  

This is the second generation of Israelites.  The first had disobeyed God by not taking Canaan so they wandered in the desert for forty years.  So their children are standing in the same place forty years later with great confidence in Joshua but by their language they had no personal experience with God.  Are people guilty of that today?  Do we attend worship and watch the professionals do their thing and walk away filled?  Is this what a pastor is supposed to do?  Entertain.  Inspire.  Encourage.  But what good is all that now?  I can’t go back to the building on Sunday and receive my weekly dose.  I really like my pastor and am impressed with his relationship with God but do I also know this God?  

Do I know how to read the Bible for myself?  Could I lead others to know the God as he is revealed in those pages?  Has my pastor equipped his hearers to be doers also? (James 1:22)  Do I even know what the central theme of the Bible is?  Could I give a reason why I go to church every week and can I explain what it is I hope for? (1 Peter 3:15)  

Some churches have strong small group ministries and I imagine them meeting during this time of the diaspora.  But if there is no small group with whom you are associated, how will you be the church?  There are many options.  Gathering to sing, reading the Bible, praying, taking an offering, etc. are not the only ways.  Let me make a few suggestions:
*Call your elderly friends who are quarantined for their own protection.
*Knock on a neighbor’s door if you suspect they can’t get out to see if they need 
*Hold a small neighborhood gathering and talk about how you can be better 
neighbors over the next few months.
*Use apps like next-door.com to connect with your neighbors

Historically, the church(its people) have been the heroes during a crisis.  Willing to sacrifice, serve and make the best of a situation.  If our pastors have been leading us to serve then let’s step up and worship the Lord OUR God by being the hands and feet of Jesus.


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