
Showing posts from September 23, 2012

God's Will

Is the garden of your soul full of weeds?  Maybe it's time for an overhaul. God’s Will In the midst of writing about ‘contentment’ I realized that the topic of ‘God’s will’ is integrally related.  To put it simply:  Contentment is not achievable unless the will of God is a conscious, persevering mindset.  This bold and probably offensive statement is rooted in a biblical worldview, so if contentment is achievable from another stance I am willing to listen. I heard a message in chapel when I was going to Seminary that listed five categories which just about almost guarantee that the search one is on is going to be in God’s will.  That’s a pretty big promise especially when many think of God’s Will in the areas of the future: i.e. education, career, spouse.  And that’s exactly what I’m NOT going to write about.  But what if those things, albeit under the will of God, came as a result of truly pursuing God’s Will as He intended?   Enough already!  Get to the point


I began a handyman business and bought this 1989 Jeep Contentment takes on many forms.  After a long hard run, I can feel satisfied that I have spent my physical body and now a rest is deserved.  Finishing an arduous task brings a sense of satisfaction for a job well-done.  Eating a particularly delicious meal fills my belly until I cannot eat another bite and I collapse fully satiated.   But these types of contentment are all temporary and fleeting.  I will need to run again in order to keep in shape.  Another task is forthcoming and that meal...well...hunger pains remind me that the enjoyment of that meal was just for yesterday.  Is it possible to be content beyond circumstances?  What did the Apostle Paul mean when he wrote, in  Philippians 4:11,12, “....for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or