
Showing posts from October 21, 2012

What is a Pastor?

What is a Pastor? In this time of ambiguity in my life as I hold on to the call that God has placed on me and while I perform handyman chores, the words of Eugene Peterson in “The Contemplative Pastor” hit home.  His words describe what I’ve experienced and what I am dedicated to do the rest of my life.  If you are in the ministry, may these words ground you.  If you are a lay person, remind your pastor of their ordination, not with words but with an unwavering commitment to do what you are called to do so that they can do their calling. Page 138, 139 (These would be the words of the congregation) “We need help in keeping our beliefs sharp and accurate and intact.  We don’t trust ourselves; our emotions seduce us into infidelities.  We know we are launched on a difficult and dangerous act of faith, and there are strong influences intent on diluting or destroying it.  We want you to give us help.  Be our pastor, a minister of Word and sacrament in the middle of this world’

How Dare We Worship?

How Dare We Worship? If you enter most any church on a Sunday morning, you will experience a friendly greeting, coffee and an interpretation of biblical worship.  People enjoy this one day a week because friends are seen that you only see at this time and there’s a sense that we are all here for the same purpose.  Much conversation and catching up from the previous week is done and the hum of conversation is noticeable.  Some churches encourage a more reverent tone by asking parishioners to quietly prepare for the upcoming worship by quickly going to their pews The Worship Team or Organist  begins the prelude or opening song and you know it’s time to join in worship.   The pastors come out and lead us in prayers, Scripture readings and a sermon.    Money is collected for various causes and in some cases, historic liturgy is used to help the people focus.  So, is there anything wrong with all this?  Maybe not.  But something caused me to scream my