
Showing posts from November 9, 2014

The Demoniac

  The Demoniac How we respond to people in a spontaneous moment reveals our true character. I have learned too many things about myself that prove this to be true and unfortunately they often reveal not positive characteristics but negative ones. The challenge of raising children certainly surprised me as learned that I did not do well on just a few hours of sleep in the early years. They also tested my temper and I thought I had all but dealt with that as a teenager. And of course, automobile occurrences often surprise us the most when someone cuts us off or waves that special hand signal with the middle finger. One of those spontaneous moments happened about a month ago as a friend and I were working down near the city in the front yard of a rental property. We were minding our own business when the dog next door took off across the street to the park where a grandmother and young girl were walking. My friend knew the dog and its owner and was c