
Showing posts from November 18, 2012

Do Something Only God Can Do

Do Something Only God Can Do Evangelizing the rich is very hard because we don’t clearly see our need.  That’s right, “we”!  Having lived in a country where the average person makes about $2/day, I’d say if you’re making minimum wage you are rich according to world standards. And even when the rich (us) become believers, we end up living lives that look no different than anyone else.  We buy the same houses, the same cars...Oh, a friend...and he is a friend...a Christian friend told me the other day that God answered his prayer.  Great!  What’d you pray about?  He told me he had been praying for a particular kind of SUV and he got an amazing deal on it.  i.e. The $90,000 price tag maybe was cut in half or something.  Okay, I don’t want to box God in and I think he can be involved in every aspect of our lives, but...well, you can draw your own conclusions. So, we’re a people who have an expendable income.  We have material possessions at our finger tips.  If we don