
Showing posts from January 29, 2017

Doing the Impossible

“I’m at my wit’s end!”  Did your mother ever say that to you?  Mine probably did.  “You’re impossible!” a teacher might say to an obstinate student.  “I give up!” is another response when faced with a difficult situation.  How we face seemingly impossible situations tells us a lot about our character.  Too often we limit ourselves to our own resources and humanly speaking, the task or even person before us is indeed impossible. Henry Blackaby reminds that faith in God is an adventure where we come to the end of ourselves and we begin with God.  In other words, true faith is exercised when we try to accomplish something that can only happen if God is behind it.  Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  Now that sounds impossible. We are currently going through the Old Testament book of Exodus and are seeing how the Israelites and Moses face one impossible situation after another.  The formula is rather humorous:  God call