
Showing posts from August 17, 2014

If You're Called to be a Pastor....then Act like One

If You're Called to be a Pastor....then Act like One For the past three years I have been searching for a 'new call' (that's the phraseology that churches use when they hire a new pastor). But I have issues with that term as you can read in my last blog. So, in essence, I have been waiting for a church or ministry to validate my credentials, hire me, pay me, give a good insurance package and other perks and then I will do the pastor thing. Meanwhile, I have struggled to earn a living doing whatever I can to bring home a paycheck. One excuse I've used is that I'm really tired at the end of the day...and I am. Most of my work has been physical labor. I had a stint at a mental health hospital and that left me very dry...not for the faint of heart. I must put in a caveat here mentioning that I haven't been completely out of the loop of the pastoring role. Tracy and I have traveled to Cameroon and Uganda providing support to missionari