
Showing posts from December 16, 2012


Epiphany Years ago, I took some personality inventories that applied certain personality traits to me.  Supposedly, knowing these traits would help me to know myself and others better.  Admittedly, they explained a lot, but I’m not sure how helpful they were.  I’ve also discovered that people use these descriptors or labels as an excuse.  For instance, if I discover that I am an introvert then I can use that as an excuse and avoid interacting with people.  I think the weakness of these tests is that it places limits on us that we often believe are insurmountable. For years I argued with God about my calling to ministry.  “God, I’m a task-oriented person...I don’t do my best in relationships.  I took a test that said I was an introvert.  God, can you call someone else.”     But being the obedient son that I am, I entered the ministry.  I excelled in administration and programs, and sure enough, my people skills were limited.  “See God...I told ya.”  The call didn’t go a