
Showing posts from April 7, 2019

Deborah: Prophetess, Judge and Team-Player

17th  in a series on how men and women in the Bible deal with waiting, disappointment and unemployment Deborah: Prophetess, Judge and Team-player Many of us love to watch sports not necessarily for the great win, but to watch the teamwork and observe the attitudes of such talented men and women.   But many a career has been sacrificed to the idol of arrogance.   The following two paragraphs describe athletic stars who could’ve been great, but their narcissism and ego cut short their careers. For as talented as Bill Romanowski was during his career, it would not be a stretch to suggest that the NFL would have been better off had he and others like him never played in the league. Romanowski was involved in multiple unflattering incidents as a player, the worst of which probably being when he clocked then-teammate Marcus Williams. That incident left Williams with serious injuries that ended the player's career. All things considered, Randy Moss ma