
Showing posts from October 20, 2013

What If I'm Wrong?

                                                               What If I’m Wrong? What began as a significant blow to my ego and self-confidence has become an effective ministry tool where I am able to see things from God’s perspective.  During our last 6 months in Cameroon many things happened that caused me to wonder if people were losing their minds.  Issues would arise, discussions would ensue, and I was convinced that I held the only rational opinion possible.  Each time I would push the issue to a point and drop it...thus walking away wondering why they didn’t see things my way.  You can probably guess how that went. Admittedly, I have a history of liking to be right.  Some have found it difficult to argue with me because I’m able to make my point and regrettably I have often had an intolerance for the insanity of the other so-called opinions.  But what happened in Cameroon shook me to my core... “What if I’m wrong?”   I know...perish the thought, but it was brought