
Showing posts from September 28, 2014

Be Prepared

Be Prepared If it was only announced, "YOU ARE NOW ABOUT FACE SOME DIFFICULT TIMES...PLEASE DON'T BE ALARMED OR TAKE IT OUT ON ANYONE ELSE" . In case you haven't heard by now, Tracy and I planning to move to Richmond, VA in January. We have taken this very seriously and have put months of months of time into our thought process. We traveled there last week to pray with friends about the possibility and to see if we could discern whether this might be God's will or not. Afterwards, we each spent a few hours praying and reading Scripture to digest the week and then on Sunday we had breakfast at an Eat-n-Park(a Pittsburgh thing) and shared our findings. As a result, we have decided to move in January. Now, as a pastor I often talk about spiritual warfare and have occasionally experienced it, but rarely am I prepared for it. I mentioned to Tracy that if indeed this was God's will then we might expect some heckling, irritation or otherwise b