
Showing posts from May 3, 2015

Will It Have a Happy Ending?

This blog was published in the Richmond Times Dispatch on April 28, 2015 Will It Have a Happy Ending? My wife, Tracy, and I moved to Richmond in January trusting that God would provide for our needs. Five years ago, we left the safety and security of a job and benefits to take our family to Cameroon in West Africa. I am a pastor and Tracy is a counselor and at the time, our children were 14,15 and 16. It was a crazy time to take our kids out of a relatively safe environment, but we felt compelled to follow God's leading and give our children the experience of a lifetime. I accepted a job with Rain Forest International School (RFIS) in the capital city of Yaounde to be a Bible Teacher, youth leader and coach. Unlike teaching jobs here, we were not paid a salary, but we had to raise our own support. This journey began in 2009, which all should remember, was not a highpoint in the U.S. economy, so everything we did was a step of faith. While still at my church,