
Showing posts from May 21, 2017

What Will Be My Legacy?

In a previous newsletter I told you about my friend from the Day School.  He and I hung out together most every Friday for just a half an hour.  We would do a work sheet, have a snack and tackle a project that I would come up with around the church: sharpening pencils in the pews, refilling the paper towel dispensers, helping the Deacons clean mulch beds and our favorite - looking for dead rodents in the crawl space under the church.   I had suggested to Mrs. B that he might benefit from spending time with me because I’ve done this before.  Nothing miraculous, just time together, listening, talking and working.  The Bible word for this is ‘discipleship’.  Nothing fancy, but evidently a little intentional time here and there can have lasting impact.  The picture above is a gift that my friend gave me.  The inscription says, “Thank you for helping me build my life” .   I’ve had a handful of notable moments in my life and this is one of them.  If I could be known for one th