
Showing posts from December 16, 2018

The Tower of Babel: Poor vision and even worse strategy

4th in a series on Men and Women in the Bible  dealing with waiting, disappointment and unemployment. The Tower of Babel: Poor vision and even worse strategy I am fascinated with beginnings.   Probably the opening five to ten minutes of a movie can be the most frustrating because the author/director is formulating the characters, developing the plot and creating scenes that seem impossibly disparate from one another.   We must resist the urge to give into the confusion and jump to another, more simplistic drama or worst of all….start talking to the other people in the room by saying, “I don’t get it. Who’s that? What does that character have to do with anything?” But movies, as fun as they are, can only mimic real life.   Ever heard anyone say after an amazing human interest story, “You can’t make this stuff up” ?Reading the Bible is a great exercise in discovering the complexity of the human equation especially as we come in contact with the God of the univ