
Showing posts from January 28, 2018

What's New?

What's New? Uber, Bitcoin, Tesla, Millennials, Dreamers, Drone, AI, Virtual Reality and dozens of other terms that we may have heard of but we may not know what they mean.  Or we may be very familiar with them but we think they really have nothing to do with us.  A missionary spoke to a group of us when I was in seminary and he told us, “As ministers of the gospel you should know a little bit about everything.”   He meant that in order to earn the right to be heard as preachers of the gospel, you need to demonstrate that you know something of the world of your hearers.  Karl Barth, a Swiss Reformed theologian said, “Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.” I have always been interested in many things but this week I have stepped up my game a bit.  It’s not unusual on any given day to travel several 20 to 30 minute segments in my car.  The news on the radio leaves much to be desired so I’ve begun listening to TED