How's Your Vision

                                                              How’s Your Vision?

I think it’s a miracle that when two people view a rainbow, they see the same thing.  Or we can stand side-by-side and enjoy an amazing sunrise or sunset.  I just watched a documentary on PBS about Yellowstone National Park and to everyone who saw the towering rocks, steaming pools and erupting geysers all agreed that these were marvelous things. 

So, why is it when we discuss theology, sociological issues, psychology and so many other things that we come up with different viewpoints?  Is there ever a common denominator to even our differences?  Is there an ultimate right and wrong?  I believe the answer lies in the lenses in which we view the world. Those of us that wear glasses know that the Optician has to grind the lenses to a tolerance of micrometers in order bring our vision back to acceptable levels. 

But how is our vision of life formed and why is it different or the same as others?  So many factors come into play: part of the world in which we were raised, religious affiliation, socio-economic status, political views of our parents and society around us, the type of education, amount of education and on an on.  It’s a miracle that we can agree on anything.

When we come to reading Scripture, we bring our life with us.  It’s impossible to be completely objective.  Two people can read the same passage and arrive at completely different conclusions.  Is there any hope of unity?  Again, a miracle has to occur.

God’s Word gives us some good instruction in reading it and the Holy Spirit enables all of us who have committed our lives to Him, to understand that which the human mind, by itself, cannot comprehend.

Two verse come to mind: 1) Luke 9:23,24 “Jesus said to them, ‘If anyone would come after me he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.’”
To me this says, set aside our preconceived agendas and completely submit to Jesus.  It has to be a conscious act of self-denial…i.e. setting aside all those influencers from our pasts.  And allow the Holy Spirit to instruct us in holy living. 
2) Ephesians 5:21 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”  Be willing to admit we might be wrong.  Open our minds to the truth of God’s Word.

Of course, you may be thinking of many other verses referring to love, accountability, and more, but I hope you get my point.


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