The Smoothing of the Stone

The Smoothing of the Stone

Way back in 1991 B.C. (before children) Tracy and I went for a hike somewhere north of Pittsburgh.  Alongside the trail was a flowing creek and since it was more fun to hop the rocks rather than walk on a smooth trail, we descended to the creek and proceeded to follow the stream.  I was about one year into my first ministry position, a year out of seminary and less than a year into marriage.  So, the hike was a much needed respite from the demands of church and trying to understand what it meant to be a husband.

Now, being of the male gender, I, of course began not only hopping on rocks but also throwing and skipping them when possible.  It was then that I made a startling discovery.  I picked up a stone, which upon first glance, was very smooth as most rocks are in a stream bed.  But upon further reflection, I noticed dozens of small pits in the stone that were evidence of the knocks and bumps that had occurred over many years.  And in an unusual but profoundly philosophical moment I exclaimed, “This is me!  I am just like this stone!”

I think at the age of 30 I thought I had experienced quite a few bumps in my life, but a first impression  would communicate a polished and well-adjusted person.  I knew I had been wounded and like the stone, if someone looked deeply, would see the effects of those wounds.  Oh, what Tracy would discover over the next 20 years.  

The first wound I received was the divorce of my parents at the age of 3 or 4.  A wound that for the most part has scabbed over, but occasionally festers and can  be broken open again by surprising circumstances.  The second wound would be the broken engagement I experienced at the age of 24.  How could this happen to me?  It actually happens to about 50% of all engagements.

Rejections have continued to plague me.  People, not even well-meaning people, have sometimes sought to destroy my character.  Ministries have blown up in my face.  I have been threatened with silly things.... “If you do this....I’ll leave the church.”  Of course, they never follow through.  I have been accused of creating controversy or disharmony.  My body has rebelled with torn ligaments, bulging disks, boils and basal cell carcinomas.  

All these things remind me of Paul’s struggles as he relates in 2 Corinthians 11.  His list of suffering is long...longer than mine, and he ends with this amazing phrase in 2 Corinthians 12:9  “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

So, it’s not that the polished nature of the stone was easily come by.  Remember a stone tumbles throughout the stream, violently rubbing the sharp edges off to produce the smooth finish.  The smoothing is not so that I can put up a good appearance in spite of the damage that I’ve endured.  It’s a witness to the grace of God “...who uses all circumstances for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)  

I am still bumping along in the stream of God’s will.  More damage will occur and more smoothing needs to happen, but I know, without a doubt, that I have a loving Father guiding me as I plummet over waterfalls or sit placidly in a quiet pool.  Each circumstance is not only for ‘A’ purpose, but for ‘HIS’ purposes.  


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